Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pancake Tuesday

Mardi Gras!

I sent my Dh Chris's story about making pancakes where she has no eggs and baking powder. This morning I went to the store to buy fruit for a fruit salad, sausages and any other ingredients I would need for our special pancake dinner. My sister in law was coming over with her 5 so I made triple the pancake recipe. And you know what? I ran out of baking powder! I had to send my daughter over to my neighbor's for 2 tbsp of 'magic'.

I like daring young mom's idea of Tip Tuesday so here are some tips:
  1. Make friends with your neighbors. It's always good to have someone you can borrow a cup of sugar from.

    Before we bought our house I lived in a 6plex. The day my downstairs neighbor moved in I went down with coffee. We became fast friends and from that day on we shared everything. I think I still have some of her cutlery.

  2. When cutting onions and crying your eyes out, wear hubby's workshop safety glasses. Sunglasses work too but then it's too dark to see.

    This works even better if you remember to put them on before you have tears streaming down your face and you're trying to cut the onions with your eyes closed.

  3. When I plan to make pancakes or scones in the morning I mix all the dry ingredients the night before. Than all I have to do is add milk and eggs. It saves time in the morning when I am not really awake.

Tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. For the past few years we have given up TV. After the first year our kids actually remind us we give up TV. It is not a huge sacrifice. We don't watch much TV to begin with. We don't have cable or sattelite (hence the five kids... when we want to stop having kids we'll get cable. People say that is an effective birth control)

The kids don't watch TV during the week except when they are all ready in the morning before they catch the bus. My Dh has been working so much he only watches the occasional movie. I watch on weeknights while I am on the computer (working or... reading) I think the kids like it because we spend more time playing games. I think we watch TV because we are too lazy to find something else to do. This just breaks the routine and makes us all find other things to do. I definitely read more. However this is the first year my 2yo will notice the TV is gone. We'll see how he reacts when he finds out there's no Caillou, Nemo and Barney...

Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm Impressed...

...and overwhelmed.

I only started reading blogs a couple of weeks ago. I came across mom to the screaming masses by accident when I was searching for information about Kathryn Sansone's book. I was hooked with the Dynamics of a big family post and from there I found Chris at the big yellow house.

Since then my kids have been asking "What?" very often because I am laughing out loud.

I've copied posts to send to my Dh.

I've followed links to other blogs. So many blogs.

So many fun interesting mommies!

So much time spent reading online when I am supposed to be working!

So much laundry piling up.

So many links added to my favorites!

I am addicted. Is there a seven step program for me? I've got to stop reading and get back to work!

Ok, ok I'll just read one more and then I'll work...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Over heard at our house...

Really, someone probably overheard this at our house.

One of my daughter's friends from elementary school started calling her recently. This is unusual since they go to different High Schools. She always calls on Sunday evening. It turns out this girl has a crush on the boy that plays guitar with the youth choir at our church. She calls to ask if our he mentioned this girl, what was he wearing, did he get her phone number, does he like her, twitter, twitter, twitter...

Sunday Boywatch is on.

So when the phone rang and my daughter picked it up and started talking my Dh yelled loud enough that some of you may have over heard him too...


<< I laughed so hard, tears were rolling down my cheeks.>>

Turns out it was not the girl with the crush on the phone. It was my daughter's cadet leader to give her 'messages'. I guess he got an ear full!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

New sacrament

This morning my 8 year old son came to the table with a small hand made green construction paper envelope. From it he took out a litte slip of paper with a prayer typed on it. He was practicing. He reminded us we were going to his "first Circonciliation" today.

I burst out laughing. I repeated it for Dh in case he hadn't heard. Circonciliation a mixed religous ceremony. Combine a circumcision with reconciliation, it's like chopping off your sins to trim your concience ;-)

We did go to his first Reconciliation today. He did his confession. He will do his first communion in May.

Dad signed him up for baseball. It's the first time he will play. What are we getting into?!

Oh, and tonight he threw up.

So I have been busy disinfecting everything and saying my own little prayers.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Parent/Teacher night

Last night was Parent/Teacher Night at the high school. I think it is the first time since my daughter started high school that I have not been hauling around a baby (in my tummy, in a carrier, in a car seat) for teacher interviews.

Since I was at school I guess I'll tell you what I learned:

1. Even if you made the cookies and ate too many of them at home you should still buy one, you know, just to support the school ;-)

2. Many of the teachers who taught my husband STILL work at the school.

3. There are quite a few teachers retiring this summer. Some of them look way too young to be retiring. Mrs. Morrison I want to drink YOUR water. Congrats to you.

4. Never assume that because she just started the class a couple of weeks ago, you don't need to see her Spanish teacher. Dad went to see him because he's an old friend and got an ear full about our pequeña muchacha adolescente.

5. High School teachers want parents to be involved with their kids education.

6. All four of the teachers we saw want to sign her agenda and have us check it daily.

7. Almost all the parents I saw at the school had a red Honor Roll stamp on their kid's report card. Why are most of the parents who take the time to go to the school the ones who's kids are doing well? Hmmm...

8. Your kid can have a red Honor Roll stamp on their report card, a 98% in math and still be called "my little delinquent" by her english teacher. (I am SURE it is an affectionate nickname...Sighh)

9. Even though parents are only supposed to talk with teachers for 5 minutes it can take 2 hours to meet with 4 teachers.

10. Two hours can feel like an EXTREMELY LONG TIME.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Doughnut Holes

Last night Dad was not coming home. Problems came up at work and he had to stay to supervise. I had to drive the oldest to an activity so I decided to drive to Dad's work to drop off a book for him. Not because he really needed the book, more because I needed to kill some time before bed time.

We stopped off at Tim Hortons.

Tim Hortons is a canadian institution. They are our most popular Doughnut & Coffee chain. Krispie Kreme came to Canada a couple of years ago and has since closed up shop. No match for Tim Hortons.


We went through the Tim Hortons drive-thru. I LOVE DRIVE THRU! I wish there was drive thru everything! We bought TimBits (doughnut holes) and a Vanilla Capuccino for me.

When we got to Dad's work, Dad picked up the two year old and held him over the box so he could select a delicous ball of sugary fried dough. My son leaned in and a big blob of drool dripped right in the box. Mmmmm... Doughnut hole anyone?

I am an evil mummy so I did not let my 8 year old have a Timbit because he refused to finish his dinner. I told him we would save one for him and he could have it the next day (probably the one covered in drool)

So at 6:25am this morning the 8 year old comes tip toeing into our room and whispers "Mom, where are the doughnuts?"


Tonight I made cookies for the my 15 year old's school to sell at Parent/Teacher night. So if you are wondering why I not bragging abouit the weight I've lost since I started taking a body shaping class twice a week... Doughnut last night, cookies tonight, I've got to stop testing the food before I feed it to the kids ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

All My Fault

As I write this my 8 year old son is stomping around the entrance.

"C'mon guys get ready"

whine... stomp... slam cupboard door

"Don't go breakin my, don't go breaking my heart" (that's the 6 year old, she sings)

My son is stomping around because he left his hat and mittens in Dad's car which is at Dad's work now. Somehow this must be my fault...

"What are you going to do miss school for the day because you don't have your favorite hat?"

Stand next to the stomping sulky kid to make sure he gets ready.

"You are going to miss the BUS"

Stomp, stomp SLAM


This is why I don't home school.


Only two left at home.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Tough Job

The two year old is crying because he has to sit at the table instead of playing hockey in the living room. Two of the kids are whining and the oldest is nagging. The baby is screaming and climbing out of her high chair AGAIN.

With all this whailing going on I say "Geeze, you guys it's a wonder your dad comes home at all."

Dad: "What's worse, is that I look forward to coming home all day"

Me: "Wow you live a sad life."

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Ha Ha

Dad to giddy baby swinging in the garage:”You took your socks off again!”

6 year old: I guess she laughed her socks off.

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Middle Child

We call our 6 year old our *special* child. There is nothing wrong with her. She is just very um, creative and high spirited and determined. She views things in her own pink princess way. We have learned not to assume we know her mind because, just when we think we have her figured out, she changes her mind.

When she was about 3, one of the other pre-school kids pushed her . When we heard this we asked our son who is a year and a half older than her, if he took care of his little sister. "Did you tell the boy to be gentle with your sister?" we asked. To that our tiny dainty little girl replied: "NO, I WILL TELL HIM" She doesn't need people to stick up for *her*!

She is the one we worried about when we sent her off to school. Or maybe we were worried about the teacher. We anticipated the phone calls from teachers and yes, we have received them. Like the time they called because our special child gave a girl in her class the finger. Where would she learn to do that?

She likes to do things *her* way. She definitely knows her own mind. I sit with her to help her with her homework. My kids are in french immersion so 85% of there work is in french. If I explain the meaning of a sentence and she likes her version better... She'll just answer what she thinks the question is. So, we do the same page several times. Her way, my way and then what she will actually hand in. Her teacher also knows she likes to do things when *she* feels like it, so even though her work habits "need improvement", the teacher is doing nothing to change it. "sigh..."

In spite of all her * special* qualities, and also because of them, I love her dearly.

Today she said to me "Ooooh I have a very DIZZY head".

"You've just figured this out hun?" I replied.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I believe chores are good for kids. I also need the help. I can't keep up with the mess from 7 people and get work done too. My oldest (15) helps out the most. Dh does all the heavy lifting and renovations - lots of renovations. I joke we are buiding a new house from the inside out. He also helps a lot with the kids. He came home early today so I love him dearly - today.

15 year old has been doing her own laundry for 5 years. I am starting to teach my son (8 years) He keeps his laundry in his own hamper I clean it and he folds it and puts it away - sometimes. 6 + 8 year old have been putting away their folded laundry for years. I separate it by what drawer it gois in and giv it to them one drawer at a time. My 2 year old LOVES to help with laundry. I give him a pile of clothes and tell him who to give it to. They hide he runs down the hall they scare him thay all laugh and then if I'm lucky he gives them the clothes and it gets put away. When I'm not so lucky I find little piules of folded laundry in the oddest places. Mismatched socks get thrown in a basket and when they run out of the 10+ pairs of socks they have I sort them (I HATE sorting socks) I spend SO much time doing laundry!

Kids rooms:
I try to get them to tidy them everyday or so. They take their clothes to the laundry room, tidy their beds and put stray toys back in the play room. My 15 year olds room is always a mess and she is always cleaning it - for hours she 'cleans her room'. Dh renovated her room and she is lucky to have a huge closet, nice desk, dresser, bookshelf and night table. In other words a place for everything but, it all ususlly stays on her floor. Well at least she has no time for TV she is always cleaning her room!

Supper Time:
When 15 year old gets home from school she helps out with babies so I can work or prep dinner. She preps dinner sometimes. She/I tidy up kitchen, living room, dining room so it isn't as much of a mess when Dh comes home. When kids (6, 8) get home they do homework at the table or run screaming through the house if I am not there to supervise. 6 + 8 year old alternate setting/clearing the table. We DO NOT HAVE A DISHWASHER AAAAHHHH! So I do dishes every night with 15 year old or Dh. 15 year old sometimes watches babies in the bath.

On weekends everyone 6+ helps out. They whine and complain. If being a good parent instead of crazy sceaming lady I do not tolerate complaining and I send them to their room untill they are ready to help out without whining. The oldest gets more jobs If she doesn't do what she's been asked properly.

I know my oldest daughter is a huge help. I used to give her allowance. Now she earns her own money but, I will pay for things she wants or activities once in a while. Nobody else gets allowance.

It sounds like everyone pitches in to keep this place running, it is a dump most of the time. As soon as I mop the floor a bay spills juice or speads cherios all over for people to step on. Everyone dumps their stuff when they come in unless I am standing there telling them to put it away. Even when the house is cleaned as best we can, it is still a work in progress... Ah the joys of a fixer upper.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I can't

My 2 year old son's new favorite expression is "I can't". Actually it is "I tan't" because he really can't make the sound "c". Today he sat down on the kitchen floor and took off one shoe. Then he pleaded with me to take off his other shoe "help, I tan't".

When I said "No, you can do it."

He scootched himself over to his 11 month old sister and said "Baby do it?"


I know, I know it is WAHM but WHAM seems a more appropriate acronym to describe my life.
I have five wonderful kids (girl 15, boy 8, girl 6, boy 2, girl 11 months) anyone see a pattern? Want to bet what our next child will be? No, I am not expecting one now but, we haven't ruled it out. My dh is one of 6 and he'd take as many as I'll make and raise for him.

With two babies at home and the rest in school I work from home as a programmer. I do not work full-time. I fit it in whenever I can, during nap time, in the evening etc. However I am only one person and that means if work is getting done laundry, cleaning & cooking is not.

I am also trying to get to an excercise class a couple of times a week because two babies in a row has made me a mushy blob.

Why if I am so busy am I blogging? I found the big yellow house looking for info on big families and I've been lurking for a while in awe of her. Now I figured I'd give it a try. So, watch me balance this baby on my head while I juggle spinning plates and eat fire!