Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pancake Tuesday

Mardi Gras!

I sent my Dh Chris's story about making pancakes where she has no eggs and baking powder. This morning I went to the store to buy fruit for a fruit salad, sausages and any other ingredients I would need for our special pancake dinner. My sister in law was coming over with her 5 so I made triple the pancake recipe. And you know what? I ran out of baking powder! I had to send my daughter over to my neighbor's for 2 tbsp of 'magic'.

I like daring young mom's idea of Tip Tuesday so here are some tips:
  1. Make friends with your neighbors. It's always good to have someone you can borrow a cup of sugar from.

    Before we bought our house I lived in a 6plex. The day my downstairs neighbor moved in I went down with coffee. We became fast friends and from that day on we shared everything. I think I still have some of her cutlery.

  2. When cutting onions and crying your eyes out, wear hubby's workshop safety glasses. Sunglasses work too but then it's too dark to see.

    This works even better if you remember to put them on before you have tears streaming down your face and you're trying to cut the onions with your eyes closed.

  3. When I plan to make pancakes or scones in the morning I mix all the dry ingredients the night before. Than all I have to do is add milk and eggs. It saves time in the morning when I am not really awake.

Tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. For the past few years we have given up TV. After the first year our kids actually remind us we give up TV. It is not a huge sacrifice. We don't watch much TV to begin with. We don't have cable or sattelite (hence the five kids... when we want to stop having kids we'll get cable. People say that is an effective birth control)

The kids don't watch TV during the week except when they are all ready in the morning before they catch the bus. My Dh has been working so much he only watches the occasional movie. I watch on weeknights while I am on the computer (working or... reading) I think the kids like it because we spend more time playing games. I think we watch TV because we are too lazy to find something else to do. This just breaks the routine and makes us all find other things to do. I definitely read more. However this is the first year my 2yo will notice the TV is gone. We'll see how he reacts when he finds out there's no Caillou, Nemo and Barney...


  • I haven't tried but the onion tip is good. I have heard if you hold a small piece of bread in your mouth, it takes the tears away. Wierd but you know how those myths get started Yep BLOGS!!! LOL Thanks for stopping by mine!!

    By Blogger JD, at 7:26 AM  

  • Have a new baby with refulx? Loves to sit in the swing with the binky but isn't old enough to keep it in his mouth? Take an old cloth diaper, twirl it to make a "rope", put the binky in so the "handle" is under the nose, Now put the rope under the handle and behind both shoulders. It will hold the binky in but will let baby spit it out if necessary!

    By Blogger Diane, at 10:03 AM  

  • If you light a candle nearby while you slice onions, it will burn the sulfur vapors from the onion that would otherwise combine with your tears to form sulfuric acid, which is what burns and makes you all squinty. Works every time.

    By Blogger MamaGeph, at 4:28 PM  

  • What great tips those are! I learned early on the one about getting to know your neighbors-it is so great when you can bless each other with those forgotten store items.

    By Blogger Truth, at 6:55 AM  

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