Friday, February 24, 2006

Parent/Teacher night

Last night was Parent/Teacher Night at the high school. I think it is the first time since my daughter started high school that I have not been hauling around a baby (in my tummy, in a carrier, in a car seat) for teacher interviews.

Since I was at school I guess I'll tell you what I learned:

1. Even if you made the cookies and ate too many of them at home you should still buy one, you know, just to support the school ;-)

2. Many of the teachers who taught my husband STILL work at the school.

3. There are quite a few teachers retiring this summer. Some of them look way too young to be retiring. Mrs. Morrison I want to drink YOUR water. Congrats to you.

4. Never assume that because she just started the class a couple of weeks ago, you don't need to see her Spanish teacher. Dad went to see him because he's an old friend and got an ear full about our pequeña muchacha adolescente.

5. High School teachers want parents to be involved with their kids education.

6. All four of the teachers we saw want to sign her agenda and have us check it daily.

7. Almost all the parents I saw at the school had a red Honor Roll stamp on their kid's report card. Why are most of the parents who take the time to go to the school the ones who's kids are doing well? Hmmm...

8. Your kid can have a red Honor Roll stamp on their report card, a 98% in math and still be called "my little delinquent" by her english teacher. (I am SURE it is an affectionate nickname...Sighh)

9. Even though parents are only supposed to talk with teachers for 5 minutes it can take 2 hours to meet with 4 teachers.

10. Two hours can feel like an EXTREMELY LONG TIME.


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