Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I know, I know it is WAHM but WHAM seems a more appropriate acronym to describe my life.
I have five wonderful kids (girl 15, boy 8, girl 6, boy 2, girl 11 months) anyone see a pattern? Want to bet what our next child will be? No, I am not expecting one now but, we haven't ruled it out. My dh is one of 6 and he'd take as many as I'll make and raise for him.

With two babies at home and the rest in school I work from home as a programmer. I do not work full-time. I fit it in whenever I can, during nap time, in the evening etc. However I am only one person and that means if work is getting done laundry, cleaning & cooking is not.

I am also trying to get to an excercise class a couple of times a week because two babies in a row has made me a mushy blob.

Why if I am so busy am I blogging? I found the big yellow house looking for info on big families and I've been lurking for a while in awe of her. Now I figured I'd give it a try. So, watch me balance this baby on my head while I juggle spinning plates and eat fire!


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