Monday, March 06, 2006

The day I ship them off to the circus

My city is the birthplace of Cirque du Soleil. So it seems fitting that when I get the stomach flu on the first day of March break I should ship at least some of my kids off to join the circus.

That's right. Even though I fumegated my entire house with many different Lysol products I still managed to catch the flu. At about 11:30 last night. How long was I allowed to be sick? Until about 8:00am. Then I better get up and shake it off because there are babies to change. Just what you want to do when your stomach is turning. My Dh mercifully helped with the kids for a bit and took the 8yo and the 6yo to a full day circus activity before he went to work.
They had a great time learning to juggle and spin plates on sticks.

I picked up one of my 15yo's friends. Her parents left her home while they went on vacation. Home, with her 23yo brother. Who told her not to come home on Saturday because he was having a party. Whth? So I figure we'll let her tag along with us this week. I just hope she doesn't get sick.

So, boring... blah blah. That's how I feel. That's how this post is.

I am still afraid to eat but I probably should. I need to get my energy back. But, hey what an awesome diet day. The flu has got to be good for losing a couple of pounds.

The weather is a bit better. sunny and -1 (celcius) So I hope to start walking in the morning before Dh leaves.

So hopefully there will be no more sick days on March break and we can get to having FUN!


  • I'm sorry you're feeling sick. Hope you feel better soon.

    By Blogger FLmom7, at 3:40 PM  

  • Oh crap...that beats my Monday by a long ways...sending you a hug and hope you're feeling better soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:57 PM  

  • Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.
    Thank God for hubby to help out!

    By Blogger Veronika, at 4:58 AM  

  • I am sick too. But not the flu. Some sort of cough headache thing. I hope we ALL feel better soon.

    By Blogger Cori, at 10:03 AM  

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