Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Since I usually just work from home, my two little ones are not in daycare. We have this great $7/day 'national' daycare program that makes it almost impossible to find quality part time daycare. That's a rant for another day.

Today I went onsite to teach MS Excel, so my babies went to my sister in law's. She also has 5, two are in school so with my two she had 5 under 5 at her house today. She is an amazing woman.

Yesterday I told my two year old that he would be going to his cousin's house. He was so excited to be going to Yayo's (cousin's name pronounced by 2yo) house. He talked about it all afternoon. Around dinner when he got upset and we sent him to his room, he yelled:


It's a good thing he can't open the door by himself or he would have been our first kid to run away.


  • Better watch that one! He's a smartie! ;)

    By Blogger momofalltrades, at 9:11 PM  

  • time to your self if is alway nice!

    By Blogger Stephanie, at 9:20 PM  

  • It's nice to have someone there for you and your kids when you need them. My sister and I trade off quite often with our children. My girls love to visit their cousins.

    By Blogger Good Things I Find, at 6:13 AM  

  • Too cute. Nathan loves to play with his cousins. One inparticular, although he is not quite as thrill sine he is a whole 9 months older. LOL!

    By Blogger Silver Creek Mom, at 1:16 PM  

  • those door nob safety things are heaven sent.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:18 PM  

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